JLPT Exam N1

Linguistic competence required for level N1:

According to JLPT official website, in this level a student will be tested for his:

The ability to understand Japanese used in a variety of circumstances.

Reading :
・One is able to read writings with logical complexity and/or abstract writings on a variety of topics, such as newspaper editorials and critiques, and comprehend both their structures and contents.
・One is also able to read written materials with profound contents on various topics and follow their narratives as well as understand the intent of the writers comprehensively.
Listening :
・One is able to comprehend orally presented materials such as coherent conversations, news reports, and lectures, spoken at natural speed in a broad variety of settings, and is able to follow their ideas and comprehend their contents comprehensively. One is also able to understand the details of the presented materials such as the relationships among the people involved, the logical structures, and the essential points.

JLPT sample questions from JLPT official website

Language Knowledge


Listening audio files



  1. こつこつ = a. knocking; tapping; clicking; drumming;b. unflaggingly; steadily; untiringly; laboriously;​
  2. つくづく = intently; carefully; closely; attentively;
  3. ずるずる = expression of dragging or moving large item slowly; falling little by little;
  4. とことん = (to) the end; thoroughly​;
  5. ひねる = to turn (i.e. a faucet)​; 蛇口(じゃぐち)をひねっても水が出ない。
  6. ふんだん = plentiful; abundant; lavish​​;
  7. ちょっぴり = a tiny bit; Just a smidgin; very slightly​​;
  8. 揉める 【もめる】= to disagree; to dispute; to fight (over)​​​; have [get into] trouble;
  9. こりごり = be fed up;
  10. がりがり = a. crunching; chewing or crushing something hard; scraping; scratching;
    b. very skinny; emaciated; all skin and bones;​
  11. 散々 【さんざん】 = a. thoroughly; completely; utterly​;
    b. severely; harshly; terribly; miserably; wretchedly; badly​;
    c. scattered; disconnected; dispersed; smashed into tiny pieces;​
  12. 戦線 【せんせん】 = (war) front;
  13. 粘る 【ねばる】= to hold out; to linger​;
  14. 強豪 【きょうごう】 = veteran; champion;
  15. なぞる = a. to trace (drawing); to follow;
    b. to imitate; to copy; to reproduce​;
  16. くっきり = distinctly (standing out); clearly; in sharp relief; boldly;
  17. きっちり = a. exactly; precisely; punctually;
    b. closely; tightly; (fitting) perfectly;
    c. properly; without fail​;
  18. 何気なく 【なにげなく】 = unintentionally;
  19. 何とぞ 【なにとぞ】 = a. please; kindly; I beg of you; if it pleases you;
    b. by all means; without fail​;
  20. 何ゆえ 【なにゆえ】= why; how;
  21. なに食わぬ顔 【なにくわぬかお】= innocent look; nonchalant look;
  22. 無性に 【むしょうに】= excessively; very much;
  23. 妄りに 【みだりに】= without authority​; without reason; unnecessarily​;
  24. 無闇に 【むやみに】= thoughtlessly; recklessly; rashly; indiscriminately; indiscreetly; at random​;
  25. 見違える 【みちがえる】= to hardly recognise; to mistake for something or somebody else;

漢字 (熟語) / Kanji (じゅくご)

  1. 不一致 [ふいっち] = Discrepancy; Discord; Disagreement; Mismatch;
  2. 傑作 [けっさく] = Masterpiece;
  3. 滞納 [たいのう] = Nonpayment;
  4. 家賃 [やちん]= Rent;
  5. 漂う [ただよう] = To drift; To float (scent);
  6. 百合 [ゆり] = Lili (flower);
  7. 練る [ねる] = To knead; To work out;
  8. 慕う [したう] = To yearn for; To long for; To follow (someone);
  9. 視察 [しさつ] = Observation; Ex:現場を視察する。
  10. 不審者 [ふしんしゃ] = Suspicious person; Ex:不審者を見かけたら、駅員までお知らせください。
  11. 怪我 [けが] = Injury; Hurt;
  12. 秘密 [ひみつ] = Secret;
  13. 内緒 [ないしょ] = Secret;
  14. お土産 [おみやげ] = Present; Souvenir;
  15. 渡し [わたし] = Ferry crossing; Ferry (boat); Delivery;
  16. 肝心 [かんじん] = Essential; Main ; Important; Crucial; Vital;
  17. 滞る [とどこおる] = To be delayed; To be overdue; To be outstanding​;
  18. 返済 [へんさい] = Repayment; Reimbursement; Refund; Redemption;
  19. 借金 [しゃっきん] = Debt; Loan; Liabilities; Borrowing money;​
  20. 宛名 [あてな] = Name and address of (recipient);
  21. 手際よく [てぎわよく] = Efficiently; Skillfully; Cleverly;
  22. 不吉な [ふきつな] = Ominous; Sinister; Unlucky; Inauspicious​;
  23. 敏感 [びんかん] = Sensitive; Alert; Aware; Susceptible;
  24. 矛盾 [むじゅん] = Contradiction; Inconsistency​;
  25. 老ける [ふける] = To age; To grow old; Getting old;
  26. 冒頭 [ぼうとう] = Beginning; Start; Outset​;
  27. 紛失 [ふんしつ] = To lose;

三字熟語 [さんじじゅくご] = Three-character compound word

  1. 紛失物 [ふんしつぶつ] = Lost item or article;
  2. 紛失届 [ふんしつとどけ] = Report of a lost item or article;
  3. 登録証 [とうろくしょう​] = Registration card​;
  4. 考慮に入れる [こうりょにいれる] = to take into consideration; to bear in mind​;
  5. 精神的 [せいしんてき] = mental; spiritual; emotional​;
  6. 好奇心 = [こうきしん] = curiosity; inquisitiveness​;

四字熟語 [よじじゅくご] = Four-character compound word

  1. 新規集客 [しんきしゅうきゃく] = New customers;
  2. 新規事業 [しんきじぎょう] = New business;
  3. 新規保管 [しんきほかん] = (Files) save as;
  4. 新規投資 [しんきとうし] = New investment;
  5. 追加機能 [ついかきのう] = Additional function;
  6. 追加料金 [ついかりょうきん] = Additional fees; Additional charges;
  7. 追加予算 [ついかよさん] = Supplementary budget;
  8. 登録番号 [とうろくばんごう] = Registration number​;
  9. 登録商標 [とうろくしょうひょう] = Registered trademark;
  10. 画像処理 [がぞうしょり] = Image processing​;
  11. 画像診断 [がぞうしんだん] = Image diagnosis​;
  12. 臨機応変 [りんきおうへん] = Adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment; playing by ear; ad hoc approach;


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