JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 08

Vocabulary List - 08

Words Starting With 「や ゆ よ」

や-行(や-ぎょう) is the 8th row of the Japanese syllabary system. Every kana represents a sound consisting of consonant and vowel together. In romaji these are written as ya yu yo.

*This list is a tentative guide (based on past exams) that is likely to match the exam requirements for the JLPT Level N5. Before 2010, there were only 4 levels of the JLPT, and the testing agency released official vocabulary and grammar lists for each level. As of 2010, the JLPT authority no longer publishes an official vocabulary list.

Furigana Kanji Meaning
641 やおや 八百屋 greengrocer
642 やさい
643 やさしい
easy, simple
644 やすい 安い cheap
645 やすみ 休み rest, holiday
646 やすむ 休む to be absent, to take (day off)
647 八つ 八つ eight
648 やま mountain
649 やる
to do

Furigana Kanji Meaning
650 ゆうがた
evening, dusk
651 ゆうはん
evening meal
652 ゆうびんきょく
post office
653 ゆうべ
last night
654 ゆうめい ゆう名 famous
655 ゆき
656 ゆく 行く to go
657 ゆっくり
slowly, at ease

Furigana Kanji Meaning
658 よ うか 八日 eight days, the eighth day of the month
659 ようふく
western-style clothes
660 よく
often, well
661 よこ
besides, side, width, lying down
662 よっか 四日 four days, the fourth day of the month
663 よっつ 四つ four
664 よぶ
to call out, to invite
665 よむ 読む to read
666 よる
evening, night
667 よわい
668 より、ほう
Used for comparison

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