JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 08
Vocabulary List - 08
Words Starting With 「や ゆ よ」
や-行(や-ぎょう) is the 8th row of the Japanese syllabary system. Every kana represents a sound consisting of consonant and vowel together. In romaji these are written as ya yu yo.
*This list is a tentative guide (based on past exams) that is likely to match the exam requirements for the JLPT Level N5. Before 2010, there were only 4 levels of the JLPT, and the testing agency released official vocabulary and grammar lists for each level. As of 2010, the JLPT authority no longer publishes an official vocabulary list.
や | Furigana | Kanji | Meaning |
641 | やおや | 八百屋 | greengrocer |
642 | やさい | vegetable | |
643 | やさしい | easy, simple | |
644 | やすい | 安い | cheap |
645 | やすみ | 休み | rest, holiday |
646 | やすむ | 休む | to be absent, to take (day off) |
647 | 八つ | 八つ | eight |
648 | やま | 山 | mountain |
649 | やる | to do |
ゆ | Furigana | Kanji | Meaning |
650 | ゆうがた | evening, dusk | |
651 | ゆうはん | evening meal | |
652 | ゆうびんきょく | post office | |
653 | ゆうべ | last night | |
654 | ゆうめい | ゆう名 | famous |
655 | ゆき | snow | |
656 | ゆく | 行く | to go |
657 | ゆっくり | slowly, at ease |
よ | Furigana | Kanji | Meaning |
658 | よ うか | 八日 | eight days, the eighth day of the month |
659 | ようふく | western-style clothes | |
660 | よく | often, well | |
661 | よこ | besides, side, width, lying down | |
662 | よっか | 四日 | four days, the fourth day of the month |
663 | よっつ | 四つ | four |
664 | よぶ | to call out, to invite | |
665 | よむ | 読む | to read |
666 | よる | evening, night | |
667 | よわい | weak | |
668 | より、ほう | Used for comparison |
JLPT N5 Resources: Vocabulary Lists:
- JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 01
- JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 02
- JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 03
- JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 04
- JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 05
- JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 06
- JLPT N5 Resources - Vocabulary List - 07
JLPT N5 Lesson Lists:
- Lesson 1: Why Japanese Language
- Lesson 2: JLPT N5 Introduction
- Lesson 3: Hiragana Part 1
- Lesson 4: Hiragana Part 2
- Lesson 5: Katakana Part 1
- Lesson 6: Katakana Part 2
- Lesson 7: Kanji Part 1
- Lesson 8: Japanese Everyday Greetings
- Lesson 9: Japanese Particles Introduction
- Lesson 10: Grammar Time
- Lesson 11: Verb Basic
- Lesson 12 - Vocabulary
- Lesson 13 - Grammar - Verb: Part 2
- Lesson 14 - Kanji - Part 2
- Lesson 15 - Grammar - Verb: Part 03
- Lesson 16 - Grammar: Verb Part 04
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