JLPT N5 - Lesson 11 - Verb basic

Verb: A sentence can be grammatically completed by just only having a verb. Telling some one 'Go' - can be a complete sentence. In Japanese the verbs are used in many forms and making those forms or using the verbs in correct form is not that easy tasks. Day by day we will learn from easier pattern to difficult one.

First here we will list some verbs in plain form or root form and then we will learn the formal form of those verbs which is called 'masu' form. Plain form is normally called as Dictionary form and the masu form is called as Polite form. Japanese tense has two division - Past and Non-past. Non past includes present and future.

たべる[taberu] たべます[tabemasu] To eat
ならう[narau] ならいます[naraimasu] To learn
かく[kaku] かきます[kakimasu] To write
のむ[nomu] のみます[nomimasu] To drink
はなす[hanasu] はなします[hanashimasu] To speak
かう[kau] かいます[kaimasu] To buy
する[suru] します[shimasu] To do
みる[miru] みます[mimasu] To see
よむ[yomu] よみます[yomimasu] To read
きく[kiku] ききます[kikimasu] To hear
くる[kuru] きます[kimasu] To come
いく[iku] いきます[ikimasu] To go
わかる[wakaru] わかります[wakarimasu] To understand
おわる[owaru] おわります[owarimasu] To end
あそぶ[asobu] あそびます[asobimasu] To play
あるく[aruku] あるきます[arukimasu] To walk

New Words:

  • がっこう = School
  • えき = Train Station
  • べんきょう = Study
  • あなた = You
  • にほんご = Japanese Language
  • ごご = Afternoon
  • ともだち = Friend
  • どこ = Where
  • なに = What
  • いえ = Home
  • テレビ = TV
  • それから = After that...
  • ほん = Book

Now we will make some sentences using the verbs and words introduced above.

わたひはがっこうへいきます。[watashi wa gakkou e ikimasu]

I will go to school.

えきからがっこうまであるきます。[eki kara gakkou made arukimasu]

(I will) walk from station to school.

がっこでべんきょうをします。 [gakkou de benkyo wo shimasu]

(I will) study in the school.

あなたはにほんごをわかりますか?[anata wa nihongo wo wakarimasu ka?]

Do you understand Japanese?

ごごともだちとあそびます。[gogo tomodachi to asobimasu]

Afternoon (I will) play with friend.

あなたはどこへいきます か?[anatawa doko e ikimasu ka]

Where will you go?

なにをのみますか?[nani wo nomimasu ka]

What will (you) drink?

いえでテレビをみます。[ie de terebi wo mimasu]

(I will) watch tv at home.

それからほんをよみます。[sore kara hon wo yomimasu]

After that (I will) read book.

See you in next lesson...


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